
Why You Need to Think About SEO When Selling a Home

You’ve created a property listing with your estate agent, and you think it’s looking pretty great. You’ve got professional images, and crafted an appealing home description that should get buyers hitting the contact button.

But how will buyers find this page among the billions already populating the web?

Time for you and your estate agent to get familiar with estate agent SEO.

Estate Agent SEO
Photo by Stephen Phillips – on Unsplash

A 30-second explanation of search engine optimisation (and why you should care)

SEO — or search engine optimisation — is all about making your page easy to find online. Since 99.9% of the world finds stuff online through sites like Google, you need to help them see your page as a great match for people typing in certain words and phrases.

These days, home listings are at buyer’s fingertips, anywhere at any time. Without a strong digital presence, you could be missing out on a huge opportunity to get your home sold quickly at your initial asking price.

Then there’s SEO for estate agent websites

Similar to Google, estate agent websites act as a search engine that help buyers quickly find the home of their dreams.

Most highly trafficked consumer estate agent websites act as search engines for home buyers. When a buyer goes to an estate agent website, they can type in a desired geographical area, then use filters to help narrow down their search.

The good news is: you can work with an agent to optimise your home listing to boost your listing’s visibility on the web and drive buyers to it.

Keep in mind that in SEO, if you’re not first, you’re last.

In fact, studies indicate that more than 70% of searchers will click on a result on the first page. Of that, 33% of those people click on the page that ranks in the first position, and 15% click on the second ranking page.

On the first page alone, the first five organic results account for 67.60% of all the clicks, and the results from 6 to 10 account for only 3.73%. If you’re like most searchers, you prefer clicking on organic results as opposed to clicking on paid ads. As noted by the CTR stats above, simply paying for Google Ads is not enough. And we are not just saying that because we are a leading Dublin SEO company.

Studies indicate that “71.33% of searches resulted in a page 1 Google organic click”. Page two and three only get 5.59% of clicks. On the first page alone, the first five results account for 67.60% of all the clicks, and the results from 6 to 10 account for only 3.73%.

Advance Metrics

So what’s left? A measly 15% of all traffic – Going to the Google Paid Ads (PPC), or trying a different search. Or giving up.

That’s pretty staggering. If you think you are getting the most bang for your buck with your Google Ads campaign, I challenge you to reframe your thinking. You are paying for high-cost ads that may provide instant gratification, but in the end provides zero long term investment, minimal CTR (click-through rate) per dollar spent, and does little to heighten brand credibility.

Organic rankings always equate to higher quality traffic that is much easily converted to a lead or sale.

Having placement in the organic results creates a sense of trust in the user, and when you are in the top 5 results, you are simply getting more of that traffic on a monthly basis. Can you guess which websites are more likely to receive more leads and sales? Yes, the websites receiving traffic from the more trusted organic results. Organic rankings always equate to higher quality traffic that is much easily converted to a lead or sale.

Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

Here are 3 things that will boost your estate agent SEO in no time

There are a variety of factors that influence whether property achieves that top spot in search results. So many factors go into the algorithms these days that even Google engineers can’t tell you exactly why someone ranked the way it did.

But here’s what we know works because we’ve seen it time and time again:

More quick SEO tips that will help drive buyers to your listing

Your estate agent is the key to SEO success, so it’s crucial to discuss a strategy with them. But before you come in hot, making accusations about a lack of this digital practice, do your homework. There are a few things you can look for to check your agents’ work.

Are you ready to take your estate agent SEO to the next level?

Don’t let the long hours you spent creating a great property listing page go to waste. The visibility of your listing is in your control, so it’s time to capitalise on that and increase the number of interested buyers.

Using SEO best practices will increase traffic to your property listing and ultimately help you sell your home faster at the initial asking price. To make this happen, work with your estate agent from the get-go to talk about your SEO game plan.

Images and illustrations from our Unsplash SEO collection.